Deceased Name: Primrose, William

Reference Number BV21508087/1
Date of publication: 08/06/2015
Date of birth: 11/03/1929
Place of birth: Toronto York Co Ontario Canada
Date of death: 17/12/2014
Place of death: Lewisham London SE13
Maiden name:
Marital Status: bachelor
Aliases: Bill Primrose
Date of marriage: n/a
Place of marriage:
Date entered UK: n/a
Date of naturalisation: n/a
Date of adoption: n/a
Date of divorce: n/a
Kin/Other details: The Division holds a short form birth certificate issued in the Province of Ontario Canada for Bill Primrose born11 March 1929 in Toronto York County Canada. Registration date 2 April 1929 number 29-05-007453. We also hold a full birth certificate for the deceased showing name of mother as Mary Devlin born in Tyrone Ireland. No father named on certificate.
Informant: London Borough of Lewisham

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