Reference Number | BV2041255/1 |
Date of publication: | n/a |
Date of birth: | 20/04/1915 |
Place of birth: | Poland |
Date of death: | 10/01/2004 |
Place of death: | Bedford Bedfordshire |
Maiden name: | |
Marital Status: | widower |
Spouse: | |
Aliases: | |
Date of marriage: | n/a |
Place of marriage: | |
Nationality: | |
Religion: | |
Date entered UK: | n/a |
Date of naturalisation: | n/a |
Date of adoption: | n/a |
Date of divorce: | n/a |
Kin/Other details: | The Division holds a Certificate of Registration card for the deceased with the following details: Registration certificate No: A137842 issued at Fareham Hampshire on 26 May 1948; date of birth 2 May 1925; place of birth as Ilocimiecz Poland; occupation factory worker; arrival in UK: 22 May 1948; address of last residence outside the UK: DP Camp Osnabruck Germany; PWX/DP Registration/Identity issued Card No: 130181 at Eversburg on 18/02/1947 N.R.I.C. no. EDG/2897248.The Division was informed by Bedford Hospital NHS Trust that the deceased's date of birth was 20/04/1915 and that he was born in Poland. The division holds a marriage certificate for the deceased and Elisabeth Szentivanyi. The event took place in the Register Office Bedford on 22 March 1958. A copy of the deceased's wife's death certificate showing she died on2 April 1995 in Bedford is also held. The following information was provided by the Home Office from a copy of a report held by them dated 4 February 1952:Before the Second World War Stanislaw Kobylanski worked on a farm near his birthplace. In 1942 he was taken to Germany for forced labour until liberated in 1945. He was in a displaced person camp before arriving in the UK in February 1948 as an E.V.W. He took various employment and in February 1952 was a brick worker with Marston Brick Co. Family details:Father died in 1936 no name givenMother - Franciska (nee Kovak) living in the Russian part of Poland (area not specified) |
Informant: | |
Executors: |
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