Deceased Name: Buchler, Rita

Reference Number BV2010544/1
Date of publication: n/a
Date of birth: 29/01/1910
Place of birth: Czechoslovakia
Date of death: 21/12/2000
Place of death: Welwyn Hertfordshire
Maiden name: Thomas
Marital Status: single woman
Date of marriage: 31/08/1961
Place of marriage: Ealing London
Date entered UK: n/a
Date of naturalisation: n/a
Date of adoption: n/a
Date of divorce: 11/07/1968
Kin/Other details: Deceased previously married on 5.6.1943 in Paddington London.Deceased born Rita Heinemann in Eger or Cheb. Father Moritz Heinemann born 26.10.1876 mother Rosa Heinemann nee Steiner born 2.4.1882. They married on 27.1.1907 in Cheb.Maternal grandparents Simon Steiner and Bertha Steiner nee Buchsbaum.Paternal grandparents Emanuel Heineman and Sidonia Heinemann nee Lowy.

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