Deceased Name: Talbot, Peter Allan

Reference Number BV21406169/1
Date of publication: 12/05/2014
Date of birth: 30/12/1946
Place of birth: Bury Lancashire
Date of death: 10/03/2014
Place of death: Colwyn bay
Maiden name:
Marital Status: bachelor
Aliases: Allan Talbot
Date of marriage: n/a
Place of marriage:
Date entered UK: n/a
Date of naturalisation: n/a
Date of adoption: n/a
Date of divorce: n/a
Kin/Other details: The Division holds the following certificates;Short birth certificate of Harry Clarke 28/07/1885 grandfather.Short birth certificate of Elizabeth Alice Leatherbarrow 21/06/1885 grandmother.Marriage certificate of Harry Clarke and Elizabeth Alice Leatherbarrow 26/03/1910 Leigh Lancaster.Short birth certificate of Wilfred Clare 06/05/1913 uncle.Birth certificate of James Wilfred Talbot 17/10/1919 Leigh Lancaster father.Birth certificate of Joan Clarke 26/03/1924 Leigh Lancaster mother.Marriage certificate of James Wilfred Talbot and Joan Clarke 04/06/1945 Whitchurch Salop.Birth certificate of Peter Allan Talbot 13/12/1946 Bury.Death certificate of William Leatherbarrow 23/09/1953 Leigh.Death certificate of Harry Clarke 08/09/1967 Aled Denbigh.Death certificate of Wilfred Clarke 15/09/1991 Aberconwy Gwynedd.Death certificate of Joan Talbot 31/12/1998 Denbighshire North Denbighshire.

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