Reference Number | BV21302068/1 |
Date of publication: | n/a |
Date of birth: | 05/07/1924 |
Place of birth: | Whitby North Yorkshire |
Date of death: | 23/05/2012 |
Place of death: | Guisborough Cleveland |
Maiden name: | |
Marital Status: | spinster |
Spouse: | |
Aliases: | |
Date of marriage: | n/a |
Place of marriage: | |
Nationality: | |
Religion: | |
Date entered UK: | n/a |
Date of naturalisation: | n/a |
Date of adoption: | n/a |
Date of divorce: | n/a |
Kin/Other details: | Claims to be entitled to share in the undisposed residue should be made to the executor |
Informant: | |
Executors: | Probate was granted by the Newcastle District Registry on 14.11.2012 ref 3934863 to the executor represented by:Askews Solicitors 4/6 West Terrace Redcar TS10 3BX (reference: 052597/007/DC) |
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