Deceased Name: Blackmore, Evelyn Joan

Reference Number BV21104507/1
Date of publication: n/a
Date of birth: 09/03/1960
Place of birth: Stepney London
Date of death: 02/03/2011
Place of death: Northumberland
Maiden name:
Marital Status: spinster
Date of marriage: n/a
Place of marriage:
Date entered UK: n/a
Date of naturalisation: n/a
Date of adoption: n/a
Date of divorce: n/a
Kin/Other details: birth certificate shows parents as Richard Cyril Blackmore and Joan Wilson Blackmore nee Horton. The deceased had Down's Syndrome and was in residential care for large periods of her life. Information held on file suggests that the deceased was an only child as were both her parents and both sets of grandparents.The Division holds the deceased's birth and death certificates.

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