Reference Number | BV21716266/1 |
Date of publication: | 21/09/2017 |
Date of birth: | 09/08/1951 |
Place of birth: | Birmingham |
Date of death: | 09/02/2017 |
Place of death: | Solihull West Midlands |
Maiden name: | |
Marital Status: | bachelor |
Spouse: | |
Aliases: | |
Date of marriage: | n/a |
Place of marriage: | |
Nationality: | |
Religion: | |
Date entered UK: | n/a |
Date of naturalisation: | n/a |
Date of adoption: | n/a |
Date of divorce: | n/a |
Kin/Other details: | The Division holds the following certificates; the deceased's baptism cert. dated 9 August 1951 recording that Charles Edgar Bush was baptised in the Parish of St Paul Hamstead Birmingham short birth cert of Charles Raymond Bush (deceased's father) born 10 February 1917 in the Reg. District of Aston Birmingham who died on 30 July 1990 in Canterbury Kent. For the deceased's mother - short birth cert of Dorothy Julia Hunt born 6 December 1923 Reg. District of Birmingham death cert - Dorothy Julia Bush died 13 September 2010 Reg. District Solihull |
Informant: | Birmingham City Council |
Executors: |
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