Reference Number | BV2015044/1 |
Date of publication: | n/a |
Date of birth: | 22/03/1913 |
Place of birth: | Dusseldorf Germany |
Date of death: | 30/10/2001 |
Place of death: | Bournemouth Dorset |
Maiden name: | |
Marital Status: | spinster |
Spouse: | |
Aliases: | |
Date of marriage: | n/a |
Place of marriage: | |
Nationality: | Russian (pre-naturalisation) |
Religion: | |
Date entered UK: | n/a |
Date of naturalisation: | 20/01/1959 |
Date of adoption: | n/a |
Date of divorce: | n/a |
Kin/Other details: | deceased changed her name by statutory deed poll on 23 February 1973 from Anna Yagousky to Anna Young. Whilst she was born in Germany her nationalilty was Russian; her parents' name (as shown on her naturalisation certificate - number BNA 52876) were George and Wilhelmina Yagousky (both also Russian). She moved with her parents to Sotland originally and her father then went to America (and was not heard from again). The deceased may have had a younger brother and sister both of whom are pre-deceased (no further information held) |
Informant: | |
Executors: |
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