Reference Number | BV2015398/1 |
Date of publication: | n/a |
Date of birth: | 17/07/1913 |
Place of birth: | Sialkote India (now Pakistan) |
Date of death: | 13/10/2001 |
Place of death: | Westminster London SW1 |
Maiden name: | |
Marital Status: | widower |
Spouse: | Elizabeth Goschi |
Aliases: | |
Date of marriage: | 01/02/1961 |
Place of marriage: | Surrey North |
Nationality: | |
Religion: | Islam |
Date entered UK: | n/a |
Date of naturalisation: | n/a |
Date of adoption: | n/a |
Date of divorce: | n/a |
Kin/Other details: | The deceased was born in India (the place in which he was born is now part of Pakistan) and left his home in his early teens. He worked as an escort for a British Medical Officer in World War 2. He came to England in 1945 and married in 1961 (there were no children from the marriage). His wife died in 1997 - her place of birth was Yugoslavia. Other information held on file gives a birth date of 25 July 1913 rather than 17 July 1912 as shown on the death certificate. The deceased's marriage certificate gives as his father's details as Khais Ali Hkan (deceased) farmer. |
Informant: | |
Executors: |
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